BoomBoom Pronounces NW Title Drought Over

Pronounced TitleNew Year’s Day 2012 in Hackettstown, N.J. was a historic day in Greyhound history. It was the day BoomBoom became the first Greyhound to earn a Nose Work title. Before the new year was over he would follow up that Nose Work 1 title with a Nose Work 2 title.

As any handler who as moved up through the different trial levels within the National Association of Canine Scent Work can tell
you, the leap from NW2 to NW3 can feel wider than the Amazon. Gone is the comfort of knowing how many hides you’re dog is searching for, and the search areas are bigger and more complex. And as with NW1 and 2, you have to be perfect on trial day to earn that title.

Throughout BoomBoom’s trek through NW3 trials, there have been some near misses. Sometimes finding all but one hide, or finding all hides but
getting one false alert. These are scenarios nearly all teams have experienced at this level.

There have also been physical challenges for BoomBoom. A reoccurring corn on a rear paw pad has at times led to him being scratched from a trial.

However, the perseverance of BoomBoom and his handler paid off on Oct. 30th in Hathorne, Mass. This team that has never given up, that has fought through the challenges, reached that pinnacle. And did so in rare style. They not only earned a NW3 title, but a “Pronounced” title ribbon as well. Throughout their four searches that day, each judge, at their discretion, issued a “pronounced” designation, signifying the recognition of “exceptional teamwork.” To get a “pronounced” in all four searches at a trial is quite rare.

And what the judges did not know, is BoomBoom fought through one of his greatest fears that day — the sounds of gun shots. Those sounds are like kryptonite to this super dog. But he was able to set aside those fears, and let his hunting drive take over in search of the special odors that when found result in some tasty rewards.

When BoomBoom’s nose work training started there were skeptics who questioned if this was the right sport for sight hounds. This was always puzzling question to me given that sight hounds do have noses. It would be like saying scent hounds are blind.

In the nearly five years since BoomBoom earned that first title, seven greyhounds have titled at the NW1 and NW2 levels. Now there are three that have earned NW3 titles, and two of those are now participating at the Elite level. Congratulations BoomBoom, it’s a proud legacy you started and continue.