
IMG_1311 (1)This website is a celebration of Greyhounds — specifically BoomBoom and Logan. These are the two skinny boys that have, and continue to bring us such joy. There’s a popular bumper sticker regarding pet adoption that inquires, “Who Rescued Whom?” (Yes, we know these bumper stickers actually read “Who Rescued Who,” but we’ll go with what is grammatically correct.)

We’re not saying we needed rescuing when we first adopted BoomBoom. We just wanted some canine companionship, and looked at ways to enrich his life. Today we realize that not only have we been successful in enriching the lives of BoomBoom and Logan, they have transformed our lives as we never would have imagined.

Both dogs have embraced and been successful in the sport of canine nose work. Our involvement in that sport led Holly to become a Certified Nose Work Instructor. She teaches beginning level nose work at Paws-n-Around in Saco, ME and at It’s a Dog’s World in York, ME.

BoomBoom has been registered as a therapy dog with Pet Partners since 2011, and has visited hospitals, assisted living facilities and schools. Our involvement with Pet Partners led Mike to become a licensed Team Evaluator for Pet Partners, and a member of the board of directors for ElderPet, an affiliate of Pet Partners.

As any pet owner knows, there are always a few bumps along the way. Emergency vet visits. Damaged household items. Vomit. Diarrhea, etc. All that is mitigated by the warmth these creatures bring when they cozy up to you on the couch or bed. When they bounce off the walls because they’re so excited about going to nose work class. When they gallop across the yard. When they rest their chin on the bed of a hospital patient.

“Who rescued whom?” Damn good question.