Pet Partners

By BoomBoom as Told to His Friendbeasts
Pet Partners 

BoomBoom joined Pet Partners in 2011OK, I admit it. I think I’m pretty spiffy. I was blessed with this long and lean greyhound physique, a shinny soft coat and a pretty laid-back personality.

I love people. Young people, old people, tall people, short people. People with long hair, people with no hair. People that have dog and or cat smell on them, and those that don’t. It doesn’t matter. (However, those with animal smells on them are more interesting to sniff.)

I think they all deserve a chance to love me up. I have no qualms in walking up to someone and letting them pet me. Sometimes it feels so good I can’t help but lean right up against them. I think that’s how I earned the nickname “Velcro Dog.”

That’s why I’m so happy my owners found “Pet Partners.” What a great fit for me. Once a week we go to a local hospital and visit all sorts of patients. I enjoy going to Pediatrics and seeing the kids, where I can put my cold wet nose on their cheeks and listen to them giggle. That gets me every time. They’re so funny.

We visit patients in the Cancer Center were they all greet me with a smile. I go to the waiting rooms at the Same-Day Surgery and Emergency departments visiting with people waiting on news about their loved ones.

Visiting the patient rooms is exciting. I never know who I’ll meet. My favorite was an elderly woman named “Ruth.” I had visited Ruth a few times, but this one day the nurses were having trouble convincing her to get out of bed and go for a walk. She had pulled the sheet over her head, but when the nurse said, “Hey, Ruth, do you want to see BoomBoom?” she quickly pulled the sheet away and started getting out of bed. Before you knew it, Ruth was walking along side me down the hospital corridors. I was glad to have helped her feel better that day.

I wish you good health, but if you ever find yourself in the hospital and someone knocks on the door asking if you’d like a pet visit, say “yes” because you might be seeing a spiffy greyhound come in to cheer you up.