Monthly Archives: March 2016

Saying Goodbye To Our Personal Therapy Pet

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Thirteen years ago if someone asked me if I was a dog person or a cat person, I would have answered “dog.” Now at the time I had neither in my life. I was single, living in an apartment and only a couples of years before moved from one end of the United States to the […]

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‘Enjoy Watching Your Dog Search’

I think one of the best public speakers I’ve heard in a long time is K9 Nose Work co-founder Amy Herot. There’s a certain presence she has, and her knowledge and insight on the dog/human relationship in this sport has even more value than what our dogs see in those special stinky treats we reward […]

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Unicorns, Gremlins and Trolls, Oh My

Having made it past the mid-point of winter, it’s that time when dreams of spring seem to be within reach of reality. So why not take a trip with Logan and see what the future looks like in the area of nose work. A K9 nose work Spring Training, if you will, minus the balmy […]

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