Category Archives: Pet Parnters

Saying Goodbye To Our Personal Therapy Pet

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Thirteen years ago if someone asked me if I was a dog person or a cat person, I would have answered “dog.” Now at the time I had neither in my life. I was single, living in an apartment and only a couples of years before moved from one end of the United States to the […]

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A Tough Day At The (Pet Partners Evaluation) Office

As a licensed evaluator for Pet Partners, I can tell you that I want each team to succeed. All the volunteers want to see each team pass their evaluation and embark on a rewarding tenure as a therapy pet team. I’m committed and obligated, however, to maintain the high standards established by Pet Partners when […]

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Sit BoomBoom, Sit… Pleeease!

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BoomBoom has been registered with Pet Partners as a therapy dog since 2011. One of the things that sets Pet Partners apart from the other pet therapy testing organizations is that you’re required to be re-evaluated every two years. Holly and I had already gone through the Pet Partner evaluation twice with BoomBoom, so when […]

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