Greyhound Squared

The Only Thing Better Than One Greyhound Is Two... Or More

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Who Rescued Whom?

This website is a celebration of Greyhounds — specifically BoomBoom and Logan. These are the two skinny boys that have, and continue to enrich our lives.

BoomBoom: He’s All About The Love — And More

When BoomBoom came home, he was calm, kind, and quiet. He would look at us with his loving eyes and lean up against us. Over the years the playful side of his personality blossomed, and he's taken on any activity he's been exposed to.

Out Of The ‘Wilderness’ Comes A Lovable Logan

Logan has proved that with the right amount of love, care and guidance, the environmentally sensitive dogs can find their inner confidence and learn to trust.

Pet Partner: BoomBoom Brings Comfort To Hospital Patients

BoomBoom is all about the love. He's a natural when it comes to being a therapy pet.

Even For Sighthounds The Nose Knows

BoomBoom and Logan have proven sighthounds know how to use their noses. Both compete in K9 Scent Work, and have led the charge for Greyhounds in the sport.

Born To Run

Winter, spring, summer or autumn, no matter the season Greyhounds love to run. Here's a montage of BoomBoom and Logan doing what we call Freestyle Greyhound racing

BoomBoom Pronounces NW Title Drought Over

New Year’s Day 2012 in Hackettstown, N.J. was a historic day in Greyhound history. It was the day BoomBoom became the first Greyhound to earn a Nose Work title. Before the new year was over he would follow up that Nose Work 1 title with a Nose Work 2 title. It was a much longer road to the NW3 title, but BoomBoom made it… and did so in style.